Up Close and Personal with K. Madill, Author of ‘The Stolen Herd’

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00068]Title:  The Stolen Herd
Author: K. Madill
Genre: Young adult fantasy
Paperback: 181 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace (February 20, 2014)
ISBN-10: 1482640023
ISBN-13: 978-1482640021
Purchase at http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00GBQ9V8O


Mandamus is only a foal when his herd is captured by the terrible Rakhana Army. Rescued and raised in secrecy, he knows nothing of his heritage until a dreadful incident in the woods brings him to the attention of the Forest council – and everyone else. Sent away for his own protection, he is determined to seek help on behalf of the many animals who have gone missing from the forest, including his own family.

With the help of a troubled man and a stout-hearted bat, can Mandamus save his fellow creatures before it’s too late?

Up Close

The thing about me is that I – love to rescue things. Even teddy bears out of the garbage! I just adopted an emaciated horse from a rescue center and although her history is tragic, her future with me shines like the sun.  It is probably the best feeling I have ever had in my life, to be in a position to help her.  Now, that being said, it turns out she’s doing as much for my sense of well-being as I am (hopefully) doing for hers. I call her Sahasa, which, I am told, is the Hindi word for courage.

When I first get up in the morning, I try to avoid stepping on an animal. I seriously have so many pets that it’s like Disney’s Cinderella – only in reverse.  They don’t help me get dressed while I sing…the dog usually takes off with my socks while the ferrets steal out of my backpack. 

The most important thing in my life is to be as true to myself as I possibly can be. I have found that only by being brutally honest internally, can I truly be any good to and for the people and animals around me. I went through a period where I lived alone and took a lot of time to really look at who and what I was. I found the strength of my writing grew and life improved immeasurably.

I love to travel to Vancouver Island.  To me, it is one of the most breathtaking spots on earth.  You can’t ask for anything more lovely than a spot where the leaf of the forest meets the emerald ocean. Many a setting of the Mandamus and Luco series have been inspired by that stunning place.

In my spare time, I write! Read anything I can get my hands on.  Ride horses, practice roller derby, play my guitar, hang out with my animals, research for my next book, dig the sunsets, spy on outerspace through my telescope.

One thing I learned about life is it is constantly shifting. You either embrace that instability or face being very unhappy.

The sole mission I am on this earth is to write books about animal and human rights and publish them. Even if no one reads them, I know that I tried to make a difference.

One little known fact about me that might surprise you is I am extremely insecure about my writing and although I seem very social, I am quite introverted. I’m perfectly happy in a room by myself making things up.

My favorite time of day is…well, depends on the day. During the week, it’s when I pull up to my house after work and I know I’m getting a hug from my guy before I head to the stable. On weekends, it’s early morning, listening to my horse chew her hay.

I love to write about animals. With this genre (YA fantasy) I have the freedom to create all these animal characters with different histories and personalities.

The most difficult aspect about writing is my constant need for re-writes. I agonized over my first chapter. I must have re-written it no less than 15 times.

My most favorite aspect about writing is character building. Mandamus, Arkas, Luco, all of them – they’re so real to me. I have pages of history, backstories and family trees for every character.

When I became a published author for the first time, I drank champagne and celebrated – it was also my birthday!

The inspiration behind my book comes from my need to acknowledge that this world can be a very hard place. People and animals face destruction of their homeland, displacement and starvation. How Mandamus came into being was the oddest thing that’s ever happened to me – I clearly saw him standing in front of me one day. Crazy, I know.

The most asked question about my book is what is it about?  I tell people that, yes, it is a story with talking animals, but the bigger picture (there’s always a bigger picture, isn’t there) is that it is a tale of courage, love, and finding yourself.


Karai MadillA chronic “head in the cloudser” K. Madill lives in a rickety house on a well treed street in British Columbia, Canada.  When she’s not hanging out with her best equine friend in the woods she can be found trying to stay upright on her roller skates or mediating the affairs of her various furred and feathered friends that rule the aforementioned rickety house. 

K. Madill’s website: kmadill.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/K-Madill/161159890706088

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaraiMadill1

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20643483-the-stolen-herd

Pump Up Your Book and K. Madill are teaming up to give away a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

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Up Close and Personal with Kim Hilton


Taken word for word as heard from God,Closet Words is a collection of powerful and penetrating words written down in the stillness of a prayer closet. Hearing from God for several years, Kim Hilton began writing down what she heard. Encouraging, uplifting, and challenging words with a clear message to His servants, Closet Words gives a renewal and refreshing word to the Christian believer.



Up Close

The thing about me is that I want to 100% walk what I teach. 

When I first get up in the morning, I pray. 

The most important thing in my life is my personal relationship with Christ.

I love to travel to the Caribbean.

In my spare time, I study God’s word.

One thing I learned about life was it really is all about love for one another.

The sole mission I am on this earth is to teach others.

One little known fact about me that might surprise you is I have traveled to over 30 countries.

My favorite time of day is morning.

I love to write about our walk as Christians.

The most difficult aspect about writing is the time it takes.

My most favorite aspect about writing is the way it touches other people.

When I became a published author for the first time, I had chills all over as it was the first step towards my life-long dream.

The inspiration behind my book comes from God.

The most asked question about my book is, “How do you hear these words?”

ABOUT KIM HILTONKim Hilton photo

Kim Hilton, MCC, PCC, has a master’s degree in Christian counseling. Founder of Closet Words Ministries Foundation, Kim is a teacher on prayer and listening to God. An avid writer of several books, Closet Words was chosen as the first book to be published with the proceeds going to Closet Words Ministries Foundation. A sought-after speaker and Bible Study leader, Kim has spoken at both national and local events. She resides with her husband on their farm and enjoys spending time with their six grown children and grandchildren.  You can find more information on Kim on her website www.KimHilton.org and also on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/KimHiltonAuthor.

Up Close and Personal with ‘Three Months in Florence’ Mary Carter

Mary Carter 2Mary Carter is a freelance writer and novelist.  Three Months in Florence is her seventh novel. Her other works include:  The Things I Do For You, The Pub Across the Pond, My Sister’s Voice, Sunnyside Blues, She’ll Take It, and Accidentally Engaged.  In addition to her novels she has written three novellas: A Kiss Before Midnight in the anthology, You’re Still the One, A Very Maui Christmas in the New York Times best selling anthology Holiday Magic, and The Honeymoon House in the New York Times best selling anthology Almost Home.

Mary is working on two more novellas for winter and summer of 2014, as well as her eighth novel.

Visit her website at www.MaryCarterBooks.com.

Connect & socialize with Mary at Twitter: https://twitter.com/marycarterbooks

Like her on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mary-Carter-Books/248226365259

About the Book:

Three Months in Florence 2Lena Wallace was supposed to go to Italy on her honeymoon. That was sixteen years ago. Instead, she settles for cooking Spaghetti Bolognese for her two children while her husband, Alex, is on yet another business trip to Florence without her. Lena deals with his absences in the same stoic way she deals with all her responsibilities. And then comes the call that changes everything–the one from Alex’s Italian mistress.

Stunned and heartsick, Lena flies to Florence to confront Alex. The city is every bit as beautiful as she imagined, from its glittering fountains and cafés to the golden sunsets over rolling hills. But the further she goes to salvage her marriage, the less Lena recognizes herself–or the husband she’s trying to win back. Instead, she’s catching glimpses of the person she once hoped to be and the life and family she truly wants. Most of all, she’s wondering if the real journey is only just beginning. . .

In a novel as warm and vibrant as its rich Italian setting, author Mary Carter explores the intricacies of marriage, the ways love can both liberate and confine, and the journey to happiness that begins with one surprising step. . .

Purchase your copy at AMAZON.

Between the Covers 0

Mary Carter

The thing about me is that I …..make a major move every 8 years or so.

When I first get up in the morning, I …..walk the dog. I used to make coffee. Now I have a dog. So I walk the dog. Then I make coffee. I’d rather just be making coffee. Nothing to do with the dog, she’s great. But she’s a morning person. And she doesn’t drink coffee….

The most important thing in my life is …..my family and friends.

I love to travel to …..other countries, exciting cities, exotic islands.

In my spare time, I ….. walk the dog.

One thing I learned about life was …..it always changes and yet somehow it’s always the same.

The sole mission I am on this earth is to …..Who wrote these questions?

One little known fact about me that might surprise you is …..the writing life is lonely.

My favorite time of day is …..evening.

I love to write about … flawed characters.

The most difficult aspect about writing is …..the first draft.

My most favorite aspect about writing is …..rewriting.

When I became a published author for the first time, I …..saw a double rainbow.

The inspiration behind my book comes from …..Florence, Italy.

The most asked question about my book is …..where do I get my inspiration?