Guest Blogger Richard Blunt talks about new book

So… My next book tour is finally moving ahead, and I am happy to be here now to share with you a little bit about my new book:

Grand Theft MagicAbout two years ago I introduced “Lucas Trent – Guardian in Magic”, my first fantasy story. For those of you that have not been around for that let me give you a quick recap: The story is about a pack of teenagers living in a world just like ours, who find out that Magic is something that really exists. Using their newfound power they seek out to help others in need and find out the hard way that it’s not always as easy as it appears to be…

My current book “Lucas Trent 3 – Grand Theft Magic” is (as the title might suggest…) the second sequel to that story. By now Lucas and his friends are firmly rooted in the art of magic, but still face the challenge every day to find a balance between their real lives as normal people and their secret identities as mages. And while this struggle might have seemed bad enough so far, it really picks up a nudge when it suddenly is no longer only about a secret, or maybe about a light injury after a fight with other of their age. When suddenly and unexpectedly one of them almost gets killed they start realizing that they have joined the grown-ups table. And when they think it couldn’t get any worse, It does…

When I went on my first book tour two years ago the first sequel to “Guardian in Magic” (called “Dangerous Potentials”) was already in the final stages of pre-production, so I had little chance to include the feedback I got from the critics during the tour. “Grand Theft Magic” was my first chance to incorporate that feedback and make the story better than its predecessors. So while this still is a story about friendship, loyalty and magic, and a story that is true to my style of writing in depth and consistency, it is now also a story that is packed with action, with danger and with struggle on many fronts. I started this story with the wish to make it the best of both worlds, something that is appropriate for young adults as well as being thrilling enough for adult readers. But decide for yourself if I got the right balance…


Publishing under a pen name to keep his personal life separate from his writing life, Richard Blunt was raised in the heart of Europe, in a nation where English is not the native language. Like his heroes, Richard blunt is nothing more than a shadow – a specter that whispers a story for everyone to hear.

His latest book is Lucas Trent 3: Grand Theft Magic.

You can visit his website at and his blog at